Ayahuasca Retreats

“There is a difference between Ayahuasca tourism and working with us. What we offer is an authentic plant medicine healing experience that remains as close to its origins and traditions as possible. This is how we learned and healed ourselves. It is what we believe in and why we live in service. If you are not interested in shortcuts, you are ready for the truth inside if yourself – and we welcome you with open hearts.”

– Nancy

Arnaldo and Nancy are dedicated ambassadors of the Mestizo tradition. The pillars of this work are love, respect, humility and light. They create safe and calm healing spaces for you to journey with Ayahuasca and other plant medicines, everything they do comes from the heart.

The priority is that you have a safe and sacred experience when you go to work with Nancy and Arnaldo and meet with the spirits of sacred plant medicines. Their intention is always to care for, support and guide you on your personal development journey, reconnecting you with yourself and nature once more. 

As with all types of medication, there are some possible contraindications that might prevent you from working with certain plants. Before signing up for a dieta, Nancy and Arnaldo will take you through a brief but thorough application process.

If you’re feeling the call to experience Ayahuasca in the lush Amazon of Peru with Nancy and Arnaldo, why not book your free chat with Nancy? You can ask questions and get a feel for whether this transformative trip of a lifetime is for you.


Taking bookings for October 2024 – SPEAK TO NANCY

Native to The Amazon rainforest, Ayahuasca is a brew used ceremonially. For thousands of years this master plant teacher has been used to bring about healing, wisdom and rites of passage. Her job is to clean you and free you from conditioning and even illness; the rest is up to you.

The medicine is composed of the Ayahuasca vine (Banisteriopsis Caapi) and Chacruna leaves (Psychotria Viridis). Together, they create a magical, symbiotic relationship whereby one contains Dimethyltryptamine (DMT) and one contains what is known as Monoamine Oxidase Inhibitors (MAOIs), without which the DMT would not be able to take effect.  Due to the DMT content, Ayahuasca remains illegal in many countries. 

This Medicine has a strong energy with the potential to help you clear trauma, repeating patterns, addiction and more. The conscious intelligence of this plant can take you deep into yourself, your emotions, your experiences and areas that need healing, I like to call this process reconnection with the true self. The aim is to realign your mind, body, spirit, energy and heart, allowing you to become free of any spiritual, emotional or physical sickness or shackles that hold you back, potentially opening you up to exploring new gifts and avenues in life.

A ceremony usually lasts around 5-6 hours, but can be longer, and should be strongly guided and held by a trained and experienced curandero. You can expect songs, rituals and prayers. 

There is research available showing that working properly with Ayahuasca can really help people overcome some issues and mental health problems including depression, PTSD, Anxiety, Trauma, low self-image and more. This is because the Medicine is a technology, an intelligence that can take you deep into your unconscious, as well as out to the farthest reaches of consciousness. She can show you what is hidden so that you can reconnect to yourself in ways you wouldn’t have imagined. 

An Ayahuasca diet or dieta is a traditional way to work with the plant that was originally reserved for curanderos and medicine people. For a minimum of 10 days, away from your usual home environment, following a strict diet and without distraction, you work with Ayahuasca. Dieta tend to bring about incredible transformation. See the menu bar for out upcoming dieta dates in the heart of the Peruvian Amazon.

Nancy and Arnaldo work with Ayahuasca using the wisdom passed down from the Mestizo tribe. This work is founded on love, respect, humility and light. You can apply to come to or organise a diet by contacting us, but don’t delay as spaces fill up fast!


“Arnaldo and I combine the best of our knowledge in authentic Andean and Mtstizo Shamanism to guide and support you on your journey. We await you warmly with open arms and hearts.” – Nancy


There are certain medicines that work together. Tobacco for example, will always be used in ceremony. However, we believe that it is important to not take too many Medicines at once.

Too many Medicines consumed in a short space of time can lead to confusion and rather than activating a personal healing process. This is because these Medicines are spiritual teachers with their own ‘style’ / ‘voice’. It would be unusual for a person to work with more than one ‘Guru’ at a time, for example, so why would this be any different? This is important to bear in mind especially if you are new to working with any particular Medicine or Plant. We need to be a clear channel to receive the teaching, wisdom and healing that the Medicine wants to share with us; you can’t understand a radio station if you’re plugged into different frequencies.

However, we may provide opportunities to incorporate additional Plant Medicines, if required, to support your process. This can include Medicines such as Sanango, Rapé, Sananga or Kambo, to name a few. These can assist in going deeper with you work, releasing blockages and re-activating your innate self-healing powers, but only where appropriate.

We would love for you to experience Nature and the Master Plants in ALL their glory, with us. You are invited to do your work and celebrate life with us!


Arrival / collection from the airport and taken to your lodging for that night..

The group get together, meeting the rest of the wonderful people who you will embark upon this journey of a lifetime with. Nancy and Arnaldo will take you through the process ahead, answer any questions you may have, ensuring that you feel safe and at ease. You all eat together and orientate for your trip ahead to the heart of jungle (so get a good night’s sleep).. 


You will leave early in the morning and arrive at the sacred site in The Amazon by early afternoon.

Each person has their own living and sleeping space, known as a ‘tambo’ or ‘casita’. Here you will have your own place to eat, sleep and process in solitude within the loving embrace of The Amazon rainforest.

The dieta is officially opened with a flower bath to dispel any heavy energy and cleanse your personal field.

DAY 3 

The following morning the whole group will gather in the sacred Maloca for an Amazonian Tobacco initiation. This will cleanse your body and give you energetic support and protection for your diet process, opening you up to better receive the medicines.. 

During the dieta, you will be given a pot of plant tea to drink daily. This will connect you with the plant spirits which will support your healing process.  

That night, you will have the first Ayahuasca ceremony in the maloka. 

DAY 4 

This is a day to rest and process..

Anyone who wants to work with sacred Kambo medicine will meet early in the morning for Ceremony.


The next three Ayahuasca Medicine ceremonies will take place every other day throughout the remainder of the dieta.

Don Arnaldo and Nancy will visit you during the dieta to help guide you on your process.

Weather permitting, you will visit the stunning river and surrounding waterfalls during the dieta and have a tour of the plants to meet them in all their glory and growing in their natural environment.

Day 10

The 5th and final ceremony of the dieta is held in the morning.

After the ceremony the diet is officially ‘closed’ using a traditional Peruvian method. Then you share a delicious meal together in celebration of life and for facing your challenges head on.

For the final part of the dieta, Nancy and Arnaldo explain what’s required post-dieta to help you get the most out of your experience and to make the changes last once you get back home. 

Day 11

You set off early to return to lodgings in Pucallpa.

Day 12

You take your onward journey and depart the dieta and take our magic back out into the world with your new perspectives!

This is a wonderful opportunity for you to leave behind the constraints of the modern world. Tap back into your spiritual strength by going back to basics and connecting with our Mother Earth. It’s amazing the peace that comes with living in harmony and the realisation that we don’t need much at all to live perfectly well. 

The dieta centre is home to a small family who take care of the area. It without electricity and is 40 minutes or so by river from the closest town. The area is beautifully untouched and rustic, a haven, isolated and nestled in the heart of the Peruvian Amazon. 

The vast, natural space where we hold dietas is captivating and woven together by pathways and bridges through the giant whispering trees. The site contains of a beautiful and sacred maloka, a kitchen / dining area for use at the beginning and end of the dieta, and individual tambos distanced apart for privacy. 

​The sleeping / living accommodation has been designed with nature in mind. You will be immersed in sounds and smells of the jungle, and incredibly soothing and healing experience. Each tambo has its own private, natural, compost toilet. The rustic tambos are pretty and include only what you need:  a bed, bedclothes, mosquito net, hammock, bucket for collecting river water to wash, table, chair, set of drawers, drinking water, toilet paper and candles. There is no electricity, internet, phone connectivity, or running water. Since no cleaning products are permitted on dieta, you will be given Guayusa leaves that you can crush into a bucket of water taken from the clean, clear, healing waters of the river each day. Washing with these will refresh and clean you, as well as help you with your waking and dreaming processes.

​A big part of the dieta process requires following a specific, plain diet. This is essential for the safety and success of your dieta. You will be served two meals a day in your tambo. This will include only food such as: quinoa, plantain, avocado, eggs, carrots, rice and potatoes, occasionally chicken or fish. Meals will not contain: oil, salt, sugar, spices, dairy or red meat. All the food is prepared daily from fresh, organic, local sources. 

The dieta is officially ‘closed’ by sharing joyous Peruvian meal together. People tend to take the opportunity to give thanks for how much more they can appreciate the little things in life once more, having taken so much for granted before. It is common to see yourself and others in a new light since taking this ‘right of passage’ by way of a dieta.

Please let us know if you have special dietary requirements when applying to join us on dieta. 

  • Pre-dieta instructions and safety guidelines
  • List of what to pack
  • 1-1 with Nancy or Don Arnaldo prior to dieta (usually online)
  • Travel to and from retreat centre in the jungle, as a group
  • 1 flower bath
  • 1 Tobacco initiation for cleansing and protection
  • Master plant tea
  • 1-1 with Arnaldo or Nancy during the diet to help with your process
  • Smudging
  • 5 Plant Medicine ceremonies 
  • Healing and cleansing rites and rituals during each ceremony, including sacred perfumes. 
  • Rapé servings during ceremonies
  • Opportunities to share in circle at appropriate points throughout the dieta
  • Visit to the local waterfall / walk to meet the sacred plants (weather permitting)
  • Accommodation and meals in the jungle
  • 2 nights in Pucallpa (1 prior and 1 post dieta) with breakfast, linch and dinner.
  • Pick-up at Pucallpa airport
  • Post-dieta instructions and guidelines


  • Flights / travel to and from Pucallpa
  • Accommodation before and after the dieta (with exception to days outlined above)
  • Optional Extras (e.g. Kambo, Sananaga etc).
  • Expenses and meals outside of the dieta
  • Travel insurance
  • Healthcare expenses (if needed)
  • Peruvian Visa (if applicable)



Longer dieta (for those who have dieted before)


Duration: 10 Days
Location: Pucallpa, Peru